Thank you parents and family members for helping ensure our morning drop-off remains a safe process for each of our children. This will only continue as parents continue to follow the guidelines below and exhibit a little patience when dropping your child(ren) off. Please remember the following:
- Drop off your children at the rear of the building.
- Pull all the way up the sidewalk in the back to the “Drop Off” sign, so that others may pull up behind you.
- Do not let your child(ren) out of the car unless you are beside the sidewalk.
- If at all possible, have your child leave your car only on the sidewalk side (driver side of the car).
- If you are ready to leave before the car in front of you, please be patient. Often there are children getting out on the right side of their car.
- If you are the first car dropping off your child(ren), please pull out as soon as possible. Remember, there are other cars behind you waiting to leave.
- Children should be ready to leave your car when you pull up to the sidewalk.
- Do not drop off your child in the front parking lot and allow them to enter the front of the building on their own. This is an extremely unsafe practice as there are busses and cars driving through the parking lot and bus lane.
- Please be patient, safe and courteous to other drivers, children and staff members who are volunteering their time to help your child(ren).
Thank you so much for your help. Your child’s safety is our first priority, and together, we can make sure that each and every child entering our school is safe. Reckless driving cannot be tolerated when children are involved.
Please call our main office at (248) 956-2800 if you have any questions.